Opinion Humanitarian Crisis In Ukraine


Mohammad Amjad Hossain :
Unfortunately an unprecedented humanitarian crisis took place in Ukraine following an attack by Russian troops by the order of President Vladimir Putin of the Russian federation who thought that Ukraine was being governed by the United States of America which is likely to join NATO. Russia in fact has launched full scale military attack on Ukraine on 24 February this year. As a result fighting has caused over nine hundred deaths of civilians and pushed several hundreds out of the country who turned out to be refugees. As a matter of fact, a series of bomberment by Russian forces leaving tens of thousands without food, water and power in many parts of Ukraine which makes unprecedented crisis in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin in fact repeated the pogrom of Nazi Germany over Ukraine since Russia’s horrific assault on Ukranian civilians look the massacres made by Nazi Germany. Apart from Israel Ukraine is the second place on earth where as many as 56000 to 14o,ooo Jews are living in Ukraine. The present trend reflects the trend of Nazi Germany which massacred Jews in November 1938. President Vladimir Putin is on record saying that he wants the deNazification of Ukraine. The present conflict between Russia and Ukraine could be the status of Donbas region of Ukraine. Now President Vladimir Putin officially recognized two region of Donetsk on 21 February this year. These are Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk Republic in Minsk region.
The secretary of state of USA Anthony Blinken is reported to have said there were very credible reports of attacks on civilians. Now International Criminal court is reported to have investigated it as war crime. Since stiff resistance is being made by Ukraine forces Russian troops could not make much achievement, except only the southern city of Kherson was under full control of Russian forces. Earlier Russian forces are reported took control CIA Director William Burns holds the opinion that President Vladimir Putin will not succeed in placing a puppet regime in Ukraine in the face of severe opposition in Ukraine. By now US intelligence report indicated that as many as 4000 Russian soldiers had been killed by Ukraine forces. By now huge number of Russian were arrested all over Russia who are against war in Ukraine. According to German authentic and serious newspaper: Der Spiegel is reported to have said that Russian troops have executed several civilian in Bucha city of Ukraine while government of Ukraine accused Russia of genocide and war crime but Russia is reported to have expressed that it was ‘monstrous forgery’.
Whatever might have happened in the war but an unprecedented humanitarian crisis grows in battered Ukraine. Meanwhile, Congressman Don Bers is reported to have said that unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has bogged down having significant losses on the Russian side but the Russian side responded with increased bombardment of civil areas resulting in huge civilian casualties. Russian tactics seems to be an unprecedented crime.

(Mohammad Amjad Hossain, retired diplomat from Bangladesh and former President of Nova Toastmaster International club of USA, writes from Falls
church, Virginia).
