Operation of NCT obstructed with different complications

Chittagong Bureau :
New Mooring Container of Chittagong Port is yet to be operated in full swing due to different complications since its inception.
 Though the largest container terminal of CP was built in 2008 , the full implementation of handling activities of NCT is being obstructed due to a number of irregularities. The decision of procuring the container handling equipments at a Cost Tk.1150 cr remain stranded rather a private berth operator is engaged by the concerned authorities at their own decoration without asking any competitive tender bids.
Opposing the govt decision for appointing private container operator, powerful ruling party leader and former city mayor ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury demanded to declare the private NCT operator -Saif Power Tec as unwanted and black listed in port. He also requested the concerned authorities of CPA and the concerned ministry to operate the NCt by CPA end through procuring handling equipment from abroad instead of any private operator’s involvement . AL leader also warned the CPsA not to entrust any private port operator in NCT. It is learnt that NCT was built at port’s own fund with capacity to handle about 15 lakh TEUs containers annually. In the meantime , 7 years already passed off but the complications yet to be resolved for permanent appointment of berth operator with competitive open tender or to run the NCT at own its own management of CPA.
Meanwhile, a platform named Bandar Rakkha Parishad (Port Protection Council) formed recently headed by city AL President and former city Mayor ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury as Convenor and the port CBA leader Mahfuzur Rahman as Member Secretary.
The BRP enforced a series of action programs to declare the Saif Power as unwanted and black listed . Out of action programs, BRP observed black badge wearing program from September 1 for 3 days in the port offices and port areas and enforced hunger strike in Bandar Bhaban premises on September 3 last. Finally a huge public rally was arranged at Laldighi Maidan in city on September 10 last .
 The public rally asked the unauthorized operator Saif Power to leave the port within one month’s ultimatum time and the concerned port authorities urged to scrap all types of deals with Saif Power within ultimatum period of one month and to declare the SP as black listed and unwanted.
The public rally was mentioned that SP as a Pakistani ISI agent and the port security can not be handed over to any Pak agent. The public rally was also told that the indefinite tougher movement will be enforced after expiry of ultimatum.
Mentionable that Bandar Sramik Karmachari Oikya Parishad , the private berth operators association and the stevedores agents also extended cooperation towards the movement of BRP. The ultimatum of BRP will expird on October 10 next, sources said.
The ongoing movement of BRP spearheaded by ruling party leader against the private berth operator in Chittagong Port has triggered worries among the port users and the port operation might be disrupted once the situation turns worse after expiry of ultimatum period .