Open 3 on 3 Basketball meet begins tomorrow


The Citycell Open 3on3 Basketball Championship (boys & girls) begins tomorrow (Friday) at the wooden floor Basketball Gymnasium in the city’s Dhanmondi.
Bangladesh Basketball Federation (BBF) president Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin is expected to open the meet as chief guest while Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited chief executive officer Mehbub Chowdhury will present as special guest.
A total of 23 boys and girls teams from different associations and clubs will compete in the meet, sponsored by Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited and organized by BBF.
Besides, The Citycell Inter-School Basketball Tournament (boys & girls) will begin on September 7 with the participation of 22 schools from Dhaka and different districts across the country.
BBF General Secretary AK Sarkar talking to BSS on Wednesday revealed that 3 on 3 meet is getting very popular all across the World.
He said, “It is very exciting competitive because of its short duration, a big number of participants throng in to test their basketball skills.
3 on 3 is in infancy in Bangladesh, but despite that it is becoming popular day by day in the capital. We hope to make it popular too outside the Dhaka.
