Only a democratic govt can stop rape: Zafrullah

Staff Reporter :
Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Zafrullah Chowdhury on Saturday demanded an interim-election as he believed that ‘none can establish justice and stop rape without a democratic government.’
He was addressing a demonstration in front of the National Press Club, hosted by Bhashani Anushari Parishad, protesting at the ongoing rape incidents and demolition of Abrar Fahad Memorial.
The parishad chairman Zafrullah Chowdhury, also a freedom fighter, said that the government could not control rape incidents as they were not elected by people.
He also said, ‘Snatching away people’s rights and committing rapes are apparently similar. So, the government should give an interim-election.’
Zafrullah also demanded teaching self-defence to girls and adequate number of police in public spaces to ensure safety.
Dhaka University professor Asif Nazrul said that people were not the source of power of the government.
‘Terrorists, rapists, casino businessmen, goons, and forces are its source of power. So when they commit a crime, the government cannot punish them,’ he said adding that rape was not a biological perversion but perversion of power.
Asif also said that Abrar Fahad was a symbol of sovereignty of the country. ‘He had sacrificed his life for the rights of the people to protect resources of the country and protested at the Indian colonial attitude,’ he added.
Bhashani Anushari Parishad secretary general Sheikh Rafiqul islam Bablu, professor Dilara Chowdhury, freedom fighter Nayeem Jahangir, and Jahangir Alam Mintu, among others, spoke at the programme.