Online quiz contest on Bangabandhu at BUFT

Campus Report :
On the occasion of the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) organized an online quiz contest based on his life and work recently.
A total of fifty-four students participated in the contest. Prizes to the top ten winners were distributed on Sunday.
Mehedi Hasan Rimon, Shajinin Jafar Moon and Nazmus Sakib came out first, second and third in the contest respectively.
Vice Chancellor, Prof Dr SM Mahfuzur Rahman was present as the chief guest in the prize distribution ceremony and handed over the prizes among the winners.
Pro Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Engr Ayub Nabi Khan, Treasurer, Registrar, Director of Students Welfare, Deans, Departments Heads and Faculty members were present.