Online class in CoU: Different scenario in departments and batches


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The online classes of Comilla University have been (CoU) started from July 15 . Earlier, according to the decision taken in the meeting on June 26, the instructive notification was published. However, even though the online class has started, different images have emerged in different departments and batches in the implementation of the instructions.
The students have complained that in some departments regular classes are not being held or even classes are not being recorded. The number of classes in the same department varies considerably batch to batch. On the other hand, the attendance rate of students in online classes is also low. However, exceptions are found meeting in some departments. After completing the syllabus through regular online classes in those departments, classes for the next semester are also going on as per the instructions.
Talking to the students of different departments of the university, the status of the online class has come up. There are allegations that the number of online classes is very low for students of different batches of the Department of Pharmacy and Masters in the Department of Physics in the faculty of science. The students have expressed frustration that the classes of one semester of some batches of the Department of Pharmacy have ended, but the classes of the next semester have not started yet. There are also complaints about the inadequacy of the number of classes in some courses in the Department of Mathematics. The students said that regular classes are being held in the Department of Statistics and the Department of Chemistry.
On the other hand, there are problems like irregular and inadequate classes in batches and courses in the Department of Archeology in the Faculty of Social Sciences, online classes in three out of five courses in a batch. The students said that on an average 22-30 students are present in almost every batch of archeology.
Most of the courses in the Department of Anthropology have been regularly going on through online medium. But, they also have problems with not having online class records.
The Department of Economics of the same faculty has 5-6 classes on an average depending on the batch and course. All batches have class recording problems.
The students of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of that faculty also complained about irregular classes and no recording of them. After the recent decision of the Academic Council to complete the syllabus within 15 days, the class has gained momentum, they said.
Talking to the students of the Department of Public Administration, it is known that although all their batches have fairly online classes, no batch has the facility of recording precisely. In addition, students did not receive clear instructions on whether to have another semester class after the end of one semester class.
The students of Department of English under Faculty of Arts and Humanities said, there are about 3-6 classes in some batches. Classes of three out of five courses of a batch are recorded but not recorded in the other two courses. There are also allegations that there have been a total of 5-6 classes in a batch in the last two months.
The semester courses in the Department of Bangla of the same faculty, which were on the verge of ending before closing, have been completed through class presentation exams and 3-4 online classes.
Department of Law under the Faculty of Law has some problems with irregular online classes and class recording. However, after the recent meeting of the Academic Council, they also gained momentum in the class.
About 5-6 classes have been taken in different batches in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems (AIS) under the faculty of Business Studies. Of these, 2/1 course classes were recorded but the rest of the courses were not recorded.
In some batches of Department of Management Studies, there have been minimum one to maximum six classes in the course. Classes are recorded in some courses of the department but not in all courses.There are regular classes in Dept. of Marketing and Dept. Of Finance and Banking. However, there is a problem of not recording the class of Dept. Of Finance and Banking.
In addition to the online classes in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of the faculty of Engineering, work is underway on project submissions in multiple batches. The next semester class has started for the students of the Dept. Of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the same faculty who have published the routine of the semester finals before the closing.
Although a few departments follow the university’s guidelines of online classes, most departments do not follow or implement them properly, and in the context of student attendance rates, and implanting the rules, CoU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Emran Kabir Chowdhury said, “This situation is not only in our university, but also in almost all universities. We have regular meetings to increase class and student attendance. We are very careful about this. The situation is getting better now than earlier.”
