One held with 5000 Yaba tablets

Chittagong Bureau :
Chittagong Metropolitan Police arrested a pickup van helper with 5000 pieces of Yaba tablets from city’s Chandgaon area last morning. The arrested was Khair Mia, 25, hailed from south Anandapur village of Kotwali thana in Comilla district.
On a tip-off a team of the Chandgaon Police halt a Comilla-bound pickup van in the area and recovered the contraband drugs from a spare wheel of the vehicle, said SAM Shajhana Kabir, officer-in-charge (OC) of the police station.
“The arrested persons brought the Yaba tablets hiding inside the spare wheel behind the pickup van coming from Cox’s Bazar”, the OC said, adding that police also detained the pickup van and filed a case under Narcotics Control Act.
