Corporate Focus: On the occasion of the 74th birth anniversary of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Rupali Bank Limited, organized a special doa mahfil at the banks head office on Monday. Monzur Hossain, MP, Chairman, Md. Obayed Ullah Al Masud, Managing Director and CEO, Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Khondoker Ataur Rahman, DMDs, all General Managers, Deputy General Managers and leaders of CBA were also present on the occasion.

On the occasion of the 74th birth anniversary of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Rupali Bank Limited, organized a special doa mahfil at the banks head office on Monday. Monzur Hossain, MP, Chairman, Md. Obayed Ullah Al Masud, Managing Director and CEO, Moha
On the occasion of the 74th birth anniversary of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Rupali Bank Limited, organized a special doa mahfil at the banks head office on Monday. Monzur Hossain, MP, Chairman, Md. Obayed Ullah Al Masud, Managing Director and CEO, Moha

