Oman Air starts flights from Ctg


Chattogram Bureau :
Oman Air is launching flights from Shah Amanat International Airport to Muscat after being closed for about four and half months due to the global epidemic.
Oman Air flight was scheduled to leave Chattogram at 9:55 am on Saturday .Oman Air Chattogram station chief. Asif Chowdhury said, “Alhamdulillah, we got 80 percent of total number of passengers on the Chattogram -Muscat route flight on Saturday .
He said the launch of Muscat -bound flights has brought relief to the expatriates in the country. Because many were in danger of losing their jobs because they could not go in time.
Many visas were also coming to an end. New visa holders could not go. For now, one flight a week will be operated. There are plans to increase the number of flights in phases as the number of passengers increases. Oman Air operates three flights a week from Dhaka, sources said.
