OIC SG discusses prospects of coop with Bangladesh


Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Dr. Yousef A. Al-Othaimeen and State Minister for Foreign Affairs had a meeting in Jeddah on Monday.
During the meeting, the two sides reviewed areas and prospects of close cooperation between the OIC and Bangladesh, according to OIC headquarters.
They praised the good level of existing cooperation and consulted on ways to foster coordination on the issue of the Muslim Rohingya in Myanmar, following the visit conducted last week to Bangladesh by a delegation from the OIC General Secretariat to take stock of the situation of Rohingya refugees on the ground.
The Secretary-General renewed the OIC’s appreciation for Bangladesh for hosting Rohingya refugees and for the efforts exerted by the Government of Bangladesh, under the leadership of Sheikha Hasina, to provide those refugees with careand support.
