Int'l community has responsibility: Shahriar: OIC seeks support for safe return of Rohingyas

Diplomatic Correspondent :
State Minister for Foreign Affairs M Shahriar Alam on Thursday sought the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)’s all-out support in creating a conducive situation in Myanmar for the Rohingyas’ safe and dignified return from Bangladesh.
Shahriar Alam said this while briefing OIC ambassadors and delegates about the evolving situation with the crisis at the OIC meeting on Thursday, said a press release issued by Bangladesh Foreign Ministry on Friday.
“The Bangladesh government opened its borders for persecuted Rohingyas and saved their lives. As a result, a stabilized situation and good atmosphere prevails in the entire region,” the State Minister said.
The international community has a shared responsibility to help restore the Rohingyas’ fundamental rights and freedoms, including their right to return to Myanmar in safety and dignity, he said.
He raised the possibility of creating a civilian “safe zone” for the returning Rohingyas in Myanmar, to be monitored by the human rights and humanitarian outfits in the concerned regional context.
The State Minister shared information on the government’s plans to relocate a portion of the Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar to the Bhashan Char island in consultation with all concerned stakeholders.
The Bangladesh Minister arrived in Geneva on Wednesday to attend the launch of the UN Joint Response Plan for the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis for 2019.
The OIC ambassadors and delegates from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, State of Palestine and the Maldives reaffirmed their solidarity with the forcibly displaced Rohingya and commended Bangladesh during the meeting for its generosity in hosting them.
The OIC member states reiterated their commitment to help find a peaceful and lasting solution to the crisis through sustained engagement in the relevant human rights and humanitarian fora in Geneva.
State Minister Alam had a bilateral meeting with UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights Michelle Bachelet, where they discussed the latest developments with the Rohingya crisis.
The High Commissioner conveyed her personal greetings to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and congratulated Bangladesh on her re-election to the Human Rights Council.
She assured of continued engagement of her office in realising the newly elected government’s commitments to promoting the rule of law, good governance and human rights.
The State Minister said that in course of its efforts to further consolidate democracy and sustainable development, the government of Bangladesh would make all possible efforts to deliver on the huge mandate given by the electorate.
High Commissioner Bachelet welcomed Bangladesh’s positive consideration of developing an action plan for implementing the recommendations from its 3rd cycle Universal Periodic Review in HRC last year.
The State Minister for foreign affairs earlier had a meeting with Houlin Zhao, Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union.
The Secretary General congratulated prime minister Sheikh Hasina on her re-election, and recalled his previous visits to Dhaka to witness the progress with ‘Digital Bangladesh’. He expressed his wish to visit places outside the capital next time to experience the real impact of the government’s broad-based digitisation efforts.
The Secretary General said that the Bangladesh narrative was a good model for the ITU to promote among other developing countries.
He invited Bangladesh to actively engage in the development of international telecommunications standards.
State Minister Shahriar Alam encouraged ITU to contribute further in member states’ capacity building for cyber security, including through existing regional arrangements.
He assured the Secretary General of doing Bangladesh’s part in helping ITU achieve its strategic goals and targets till 2023.