OIC chief listens to Rohingyas’ tales of tortures

UNB, Cox’s Bazar :
Visiting Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Dr Yousef bin Ahmad Al Othaimeen on Friday listened to Rohingya people’s shocking tales of brutalities carried by Myanmar army saying the world will be informed about the tortures and misfortunes.
The OIC Secretary General made the remarks while talking to journalists after visiting the Kutupalong Camp in Ukhia upazila.
Expressing OIC’ sympathy and solidarity with the Rakhine Muslims there,
Dr Othaimeen said pressure will be put on Myanmar to give the Rakhine Muslims citizenship and returning their assets so that they go back to their own country.
He held a meeting with government and non-government officials at the unregistered camp before entering inside the camp.
The OIC chief had a long conversation with a number of women who were brutally tortured in Myanmar by the Myanmar Army.
He also had separate conversations with a group of another 30 males and females in an IOM-run school.
Talking to journalists, Dr Othaimeen thanked the Bangladesh government and its people for hosting Rohingya people for decades.
He also urged the Rohingya people to abide by Bangladeshi laws.
Senior government officials, BGB senior officials and representatives of international bodies were present.
On Thursday, the OIC chief reminded Myanmar that Rohingya people must be given full citizenship and basic rights.
“Rohingya people are denied their basic rights. They need to be recognised in giving their identities. They must return to their country. They must have their full citizenship,” he said.
He also called upon Myanmar government to come up with a roadmap on how to go forward to settle the issue peacefully.
Othaimeen arrived here on Wednesday night on a four-day tour, the first visit to Bangladesh since assuming charge as the OIC Secretary General.
He met President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali on Thursday.
The visit comes at a time when Bangladesh is preparing to host the next Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers to be held in the first half of 2018.
The OIC repeatedly condemned the violence and abuse against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar in the past months.
During the extraordinary session on January 19 in Kuala Lumpur, the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers urged Myanmar to eliminate the root causes affecting the Rohingya Muslim minority and restore their citizenship.