Offer books instead of Smartphone to students : Hasan

Chattogram Bureau :
Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said habit of reading books in the library was snatched away by smartphone now. He said earlier it was a trend to read books by the school and college going students but it was radically changed .
 He said Bill Gates did not hand over smartphone to his kids before age of 16 years and our guardians should aware the abuse of smartphone .
 He disclosed it while addressing the conver unfolding ceremony of two novels of Kabi Abdur Rouf and Manzil Murad Lovelu recently at Minister’s city residence . Journalist Azad Talukder presided the cover unfloldng ceremony .
 Former general secretary of Chattogsram University Teachers Association Prof Sekander chowdhujry and Principal of Agrabad Mohila College Dr. Anowara Alam were present on the occasion as honourable guests.
The minister in his brief deliverations said poetry reveals the impressions of mind and speaks the reality of mind and it teach to be purify the minds.
 He said in the age of information te chnolgy, the / impact of reading became lessened . Dr.Hasan Mahmud said the self composed poetry of Kobi Abdur Rouf and Manzil Murad are the epoch making publications in present digital age and these two authors tried to imporess the students to read the books regularly.