Odour passes meaningful signals


Life Desk :
Body odour, at its very extreme, can ruin job interviews or first dates. Undoubtedly, most of us spend a considerable amount of time trying to prevent body odour, whether by taking a shower or applying deos. For most healthy adults, all it takes to keep off a foul odour is proper hygiene. But for some, it could also indicate an underlying health problem that needs immediate attention. There is, after all, more to body odour than just passing a sniff test.
Body odour is simply the interaction between sweat and bacteria on a person’s skin. “It is the combination of secretion of fatty acids from the sweat glands in armpits and groin and certain skin bacteria,” says Dr Anoop Misra, chairman, Fortis C-DOC Hospital for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases. The power of odour is such that it enables even newborn babies in identifying their moms.
Interestingly, a team of Spanish researchers has claimed that body odour can be used as an accurate biometric identifier, due to chemical patterns in the smell that are unaffected by body changes and are unique to each person. The idea of body odour identification though isn’t new as it has been used since ages for training police squad dogs.
A strong, stinky sweat is much more than social embarrassment. “For example, a musty odour in skin, breath or hair can indicate phenylketonuria, a genetic disorder. People with chronic kidney problems may have a body odour that smells like ammonia resulting from higher retention of wastes in their blood that evaporates with sweat,” says Dr P Sharma New Delhi-based internal medicine specialist.
Foul smell can also indicate a metabolic disorder. “It occurs when your body is unable to process some food proteins,” points out Dr Misra. Not only is body odour significant in sexual behaviour, it also plays a role in the choice of partners. “Men and women tend to prefer the odour of individuals who are genetically dissimilar to them which helps in reducing the chances of inbreeding,” says Dr Sudhir Ghosh, New Delhi-based internal medicine specialist.
“Certain body odour may appeal more to the opposite gender, which can help choose a sexual mate. Mothers, children and blood relatives sometimes identify each other through body odour. Finally, it may signal some diseases,” adds Dr Misra.
Odours are much more specific than you think. “They are not just an outcome of sweat. We all have a signature odour, which is characterised by our genetics, gender, hormones, diet, age and environmental factors; all this explains body odour at the onset of puberty, mate choices, and the ability of babies in identifying their mothers,” says Dr Sharma.
However, it is not always triggered by hormonal disorders. “In fact, it is strongly influenced by genes (ABCCC11). Certain races (East Asians) have less sweat glands and hence less body odour. Certain diseases, diabetes, and kidney and liver failures may change body odour. Increase in sweating in thyroid disorders, menopause, low sugar states, nerve damage and heart disease may also cause increase in body odour,” says Dr Misra. While there are a number of spices that alter body odours, there is no proven research on the link between spicy and curried foods causing change in body odour.
While a number of medical conditions can cause the way you sweat or your sweat smells, proper hygiene remains the key irrespective of your health status. An antimicrobial product or an antipersperitant can help clear that reek in most healthy adults. However, proper hygiene and certain other simple measures can help you in staying off that body odour. “All it takes is meticulous hygiene, right temperature to avoid sweating, and use of non-irritating perfumes,” says Dr Misra. And don’t forget to bathe and dry your feet, and wear loose, cotton clothing. Last but not least, a balanced diet can help.
“A diet containing 20 per cent protein and drinking plenty of water can help strip you off that odour,” says Dr Sharma. One tip to have a pleasant odour through the day is to add some mint leaves to boiled water and add it to your bath. A tablespoon of honey to your bath can also help rid the foul odour, says Dr Ghosh.
One of the odd symptoms of pregnancy could be the change in personal odour. “Two things may happen during pregnancy: due to slightly higher body temperature sweating is more, and body odour is enhanced. In addition, the individual’s sense of smell may also be enhanced during this time, thus increasing perception of odour,” says Dr Misra.
“Drinking loads of water can help maintain the body temperature and also control the body odour,” says Dr Ghosh. One should also watch out if the odour is due to bacterial or fungal infection as that requires immediate treatment.
Wearing loose cotton clothes is also very important, say experts.
“When you are anxious, the body triggers cortisols, the stress hormone, which makes you sweat; the bacteria on the skin, along with the sweat, causes the smell,” says Dr Ghosh.
Certain gene mutations can cause a condition called trimethylaminuria, as a result of which the body fails to break down a chemical compound called trimethyleamine. This compound is known for its fishy smell.
Lack of magnesium can also be the cause of foul body odour. Eating foods packed with magnesium – like almonds, sesame seeds and flax seeds – can help you in effectively dealing with body odour. Loading on such foods can help.
Sometimes the deos you use can very well be the cause too. “Components in deodorants and body sprays can at times cause stinky bacterial growth. Washing with plain water on a regular basis is good enough at times,” says Dr Ghosh.
It can also be due to diabetes. “In the case of inadequate insulin, the body breaks down fat and builds up ketones leading to changes in the body odour,” informs Dr Ghosh.
-India Today.
