Odikar Secy Adilur detained in Malaysia

bdnews24.com :
Adilur Rahman Khan faces trial in Bangladesh for distorting facts over the 2013 Hifazat-e Islam demonstration in Dhaka’s Motijheel.
Malaysian authorities have barred Adilur Rahman Khan, secretary of Bangladesh rights organisation Odhikar, from entering Kuala Lumpur.
He landed at the Kuala Lumpur airport around 4am local time to attend a conference, said Odhikar Director Nasiruddin Elan. “The immigration police are not letting him leave the airport,” he told bdnews24.com.
Forum-Asia, a Bangkok-based rights organisation, has called for the lawyer’s release.
“As of now, no reasons have been given for his detention,” it said in a statement.
Suara Rakyat Malaysia, a Malaysian Forum-Asia member, was informed that he has been moved into an immigration lock-up, according to the statement. Adilur and Elan face trial in Bangladesh for distorting facts over the 2013 Hifazat-e Islam demonstration in city’s Motijheel.
The two have been charged with distorting facts and presenting false evidence against security forces.
An Odhikar report claimed 61 people had been killed during the raid by police and other security forces at Motijheel’s Shapla Chattar, where Hifazat supporters launched an indefinite sit-in protest.
The report allegedly distorted facts, doctored pictures used in reports with the help of Photoshop and passed off a living person as dead. Police claimed there were no casualties during the action. Adilur, who served as a deputy attorney general during the BNP-Jamaat regime, had been behind bars for some time until securing bail from the Supreme Court. Bangladesh police said there was no Interpol notice over him. “As far as I know, there’s no Interpol request to detain Adilur Rahman Khan,” Assistant Inspector General Mahbubur Rahman of Interpol’s Dhaka National Central Bureau told bdnews24.com.