

Our Correspondent :
Fatema Begum, wife of Shaheed Prof. Moazzem Hossain, a brave freedom fighter (of Bagerhat Govt. P C College) breathed her last at her College Road residence in Bagerhat district town on Friday morning due to old age complications at the age of 79.
She left 4 sons, 3 daughters, grand children and a host of relatives, friends and admirers to mourn her death.
Mention be made here that her husband (freedom fighter) Prof. Moazzem Hossain spontaneously participated in the War of Liberation of 1971 in order to free the motherland from Pakistani Occupation. But unfortunately he could not see his motherland Independent as he embraced martyrdom in a fight against the occupation Pakistani army aided by Razakars just before (in the month of early December, 1971) the liberation of the country.
