Obama arrives for three-day India visit


BBC Online: US President Barack Obama has arrived in India for a three-day visit, where he will be protected by an unprecedented security operation. Thousands of security personnel have been deployed in Delhi along with some 15,000 security cameras, roadblocks and protective sandbag walls. Mr Obama will be the guest of honour at Monday’s Republic Day celebrations. Later on Sunday, he will hold talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and meet business leaders. Mr Modi broke protocol to personally receive President Obama at Delhi’s airport, the BBC’s South Asia correspondent Sanjoy Majumder reports. Growing ties The US leader will join Mr Modi in his monthly radio address to reach out to millions of Indians with no access to television. The BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi says security around the Republic Day parade is generally tight, but this year the high-profile visit has taken preparations to a new level. India Gate and the Rajpath (the King’s Avenue), where Monday’s parade takes place, have been out of bounds for most people for the past few days, with thousands of policemen on duty. Security has been upgraded at several up-market hotels, where the US president and his team will be staying. Traffic restrictions have been put in place across the city, and extra checks have been taking place at metro stations. Police have also been going door-to-door carrying out verification checks on residents. Security has also been tightened at airports, ports and railways stations across the country. This is the first time a sitting US president has returned to India for an second visit – a sign of growing India-US ties. The new US ambassador in Delhi Richard Verma is upbeat. “There’s no question this is a defining time in the US-India relationship. Things not only feel different, they are different,” he said. Mr Obama’s visit to India has been shortened so he can visit Saudi Arabia and pay his respects following the death of King Abdullah. It means he will not now visit the Taj Mahal.
