Obaidul, Nasim visit ailing Kader Siddiqui


Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader and Health and Family Welfare Minister Mohammad Nasim on Tuesday visited ailing Bangabir Kader Siddiqui, Bir Uttam, at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) in the city.
They stayed there for some time, talked to him and enquired about his health condition from the concerned doctors. They also wished his early recovery.
Earlier, Bangabir Kader Siddiqui was admitted to the BSMMU on September 3 due to dengue fever, diabetes and other ailments.
He has been receiving treatment under Professor ABM Abdullah, Medicine Faculty Dean of BSMMU.
BSMMU Vice-Chancellor (VC) Professor Dr Kamrul Hasan Khan, Pro VC (Research and Development) Professor Dr M Shahidullah Sikder were present, among others.
