Nursing workshop at AIUB

Campus Report :
The Department of Public Health of American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) has recently arranged a workshop and seminar for nurses namely “Increasing Opportunities for Nurses in Public Health” at the university campus. The programme comprised of a workshop followed by interactive sessions with the nurses and then a career oriented seminar and quiz competition.
About 200 nurses attended the program with great enthusiasm. Nurses are an integral part of the country as well as the society. The basic pillars of health care are on their shoulder as they are the ones who provide the direct care to the patients with the guideline of the doctors. Many countries have a huge field in nursing and it is one of the biggest sectors in the world which generates revenues.
Our country is very much in the run for this but our number of skilled nurses is very less. AIUB thus thought of taking the chance to let the nurse community know more about their potentials and the opportunities they have in the career of nursing.

The daylong program was inaugurated by Chief Guest Brig Gen (Rtd) Md. Abdul Majid Bhuiyan, Director (Hospital), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) along with Prof Dr Charles Villanueva, Pro-Vice Chancellor, AIUB.
The program was addressed by Dr Md. Abdur Rahim, Faculty Member, MPH, AIUB. Ugochi U Irikannu, BSN, MS, Dr PH Health and Medical Supervisor, Chevron Bangladesh conducted workshop as Chief Facilitator in the morning session. The participants then went through an interactive session in various groups of how to develop their career.
After the lunch break the program followed with the seminar where two esteemed speakers spoke for the occasion. Maj (Rtd) Dalia Hossain RM, RN, MPH, BSc in Nursing, Principal, Prime Bank Nursing Institute spoke on “How to Develop Skills for Nurses”. Then Bassema Karaki, RN, BSN California Registered Nurse School Nurse, American International School Dhaka (AISD) gave a speech on “MPH in building up a good Nursing Career” following which the participants attended a quiz competition and a networking session. Every participant expressed a great interest throughout the program and the auditorium of AIUB was full house in the whole day.
In the Closing Ceremony, Chief Guest Brig Gen Mohammad Mizanur Rahman Director, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH), Special Guest, Dr Mohammad Sadiqur Rahman, Director, Central Police Hospital, Dhaka and Prof Dr Tazul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences gave vote of thanks and distributed prizes among the winners of different competitions.
The closing and prize distribution program was conducted by Dr Md. Aurangzeb, Coordinator (MPH Program) and MPH@AIUB team.
