Nurjahan Alim to perform in Assam Folk Music Festival

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
On January 19 and 20, 2018 a folk music festival is scheduled to be held in Guwahati, Assam in India. To popularise the songs of legendary folk singer, born in Murshidabad, Abdul Alim among the new generation, the festival is to be arranged. In this festival, Abdul Alim’s daughter Nurjahan Alim has been invited to attend.
Nurjahan is very much excited to participate in the folk music festival which is to be organised to pay tribute to her father.
For the first time, Nurjahan Alim is going to perform in Assam, India. While talking in this regard she told this correspondent, “I am really grateful to the organisers to invite me to attend in such an arrangement for my father. Though my father’s birthplace was Murshidabad but there is less existence of folk songs in its surrounding areas. To spread its activities, I am going to attend in the festival. I hope it will become a successful music festival.”
Nurjahan Alim also informed that the festival will begin on January 19 and she will perform on the stage on December 20. Today is her birthday. She did not keep any stage show on her birthday because she wants to pass the day with her husband and family. On December 24, she will perform in a stage show at Mirzapur in Tangail. Besides this, she has other performances at Radio Capital, Pitha Utsab (cake festival) at National Press Club, Chittagong, Chuadanga and others.
Nurjahan Alim received training in classical music from Ustad Anup Barua. She is number sixth position among four sisters and three brothers. Her debut solo album came into market under CD Choice’s banner. Later to pay tribute to her father another album titled ‘Tribute to Abdul Alim’ was released by Laser Vision.