Number of new coronavirus cases falling: WHO


Bernama News :
The number of global new Covid-19 cases is decreasing, reported Sputnik news agency, quoting the World Health Organisation (WHO) in a statement, reports Bernama News.
“For the fourth week in a row, the number of global new cases reported fell, with 3.1 million new cases last week, a 17% decline compared with the previous week,” said WHO.
“This is the lowest figure since the week of October 26 (15 weeks ago),” it said.
WHO said that although there are still many countries with increasing numbers of cases, the tendency at the global level was encouraging.
“The number of new deaths reported also fell for a second week in a row, with 88,000 new deaths reported last week, a 10% decline compared to the previous week.
“All WHO regions reported a decline in new cases, with five out of six regions reporting decreases of more than 10%,” the global health body said.
“Europe and the Region of the Americas saw the greatest drops in absolute numbers, with nearly 0.5 million fewer new cases reported last week (153,000 and 320,000 fewer new cases reported, respectively).
