Number of mobile phone users reaches 170.1 million

News Desk :
The total number of mobile phone subscribers in Bangladesh reached 170.1 million at the end of December last year.
But the number of mobile phone subscribers reached 165.6 million at the end of January in 2020, reports BSS.
Mobile network operator Grameenphone topped the tally with 79.0 million subscribers while Robi bagged 50.9 million,  
Banglalink 35.2 million and lone state-own operator Teletalk able to acquire 4.9 million subscribers, according to the latest data of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).
Besides, the number of internet users in the country has increased to 111.8 million at the end of December.
The BTRC data showed that about 102.3 million users use the internet through mobile operators while 9.5 million users use the internet through ISP (internet service providers) and PSTN (public switched telephone network) operators.
