Number of corona infection increasing every day

Experts concern over the situation


Syed Shemul Parvez :
The number of Covid-19 infection is increasing constantly in the country in an alarming rate. Meanwhile, the death toll has already exceeded the thousand.
Many of those who are dying with corona symptoms or who are not being tested despite having symptoms are out of it.
Experts believe that if the number of patients increased and the infection cannot be prevented, a major catastrophe situation waits in front.
 On Friday, the 95th day of the identification of corona patients in the country, a total of 81,523 infected people had been identified.
Since the beginning of June, more than two thousand Covid-19 positive patients are being identified every day.
Bangladesh on Friday recorded highest 46 deaths with 3,471 new cases. With these, the death toll rose to 1,095, said Additional Director General of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) Prof Dr Nasima Sultana.
Experts, including doctors, have expressed deep concern over the number of patients. In this issue, experts have recommended to the government to take an emergency lockdown as per the level of impact and risk across the country.
At the same time, experts also warn if the number of corona patients continue to increase; hospitals have to face difficulties severely in providing services.
If the number of corona patients rise in this way, it will be a horrible disaster for the whole nation, said Prof. Dr ABM Abdullah, Adviser, National Coordination Committee on Prevention and Control of Covid-19. Even it will be very difficult to get a place in the hospitals, as those hospitals are already filled with the corona patients.
Necessary measures must be taken by the government to reduce the spread of the infection. I pray that the number of patients will be less anyway. Therefore, more emphasis should be given on remedies and preventive measures to reduce the rate of infection, Dr Abdullah added.
“Most fact is that our people are not following any instructions. However, in order to prevent such disasters, the common people have to follow the rules and instructions being aware, he further added.
Prof. Mohammad Sahidullah, President of National Technical Advisory Committee of Covid-19 said, ‘The scope of services in the hospitals needs to be increased. Besides, at present the infected patients cannot take admission in the hospitals. So this problem needs to be addressed. The numbers of seats and other materials including oxygen supply need to be increased rapidly, he added.
Professor Dr. Benazir Ahmed, former Director of the Department of Health said, the first thing is that the patient cannot be allowed to grow anymore, “If the number of patients increase , it cannot be managed with such limited resources, limited health infrastructure and limited manpower.” So government has to take measures so that the patient does not grow.
Besides, big changes have to be brought in the management, he added
Habibur Rhaman, Additional Secretary, Department of Health siad that many patients could not take admission in the hospital right now, so imagine if the number of patients increase everyday what will be happened? “
When he asked about the government’s plan in this regard, he said,’ every subject has a capacity, a limit. If the number of patients continues to increase day by day, then all the educational institutions and dormitories have to be turned into temporary hospitals. We have to try to save the people first,.’
