Rwanda genocide: Ntaganzwa seized in DR Congo

BBC Online :
A key suspect involved in the 1994 Rwandan genocide has been arrested in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, the UN says.
Ladislas Ntaganzwa, 53, is accused of organising mass rapes and the massacre of thousands during the genocide which left about 800,000 people dead.
The US issued a $5m (£3.2m) reward for his arrest. It described him as “one of the main instigators of the genocide”. Mr Ntaganzwa and his lawyers have not commented on the allegations.
He was one of nine suspects still wanted by the UN for their alleged role in the genocide. The others are still at large. Mr Ntaganzwa is expected to stand trial in Rwanda, AFP news agency reports.
A UN-backed special court trying Rwandan genocide suspects in Tanzania officially closed its doors last week.
The genocide saw militias from the majority Hutu ethnic group killing Tutsis and moderate Hutus.