NSC includes 49 federations for talent hunt program


The National Sports Council (NSC) has decided to arrange talent hunt training program in different events in a large scale including 49 federations, 18 federations more compared to the last fiscal year (2016-17) from the special allocation from the Finance Ministry.
The NSC conducted a project last year at a cost 15.10 crores for 31 Sports Federations and this year the fund has been increased immensely almost four times making extensive change and including number of new programs in this year’s project.
Talking to BSS NSC Secretary Ashok Kumar Biswas said
this project profile of Taka 65 crore and 49 lacs already has been submitted to the Ministry and all 49 federations are included under this mega project.
He said after scrutinizing the last year profile project, they able to identify some mistakes, that’s why some of the federations were not able to complete their program due to lack of their organizing capacity.
Three installments of athletics and weightlifting, two installments of swimming and one installment of tennis for the talent hunt program could not use. They had to reimburse those funds back to government.
“We have learned from our mistakes but this time special attention will be given on those lacking.
Ashok said ” As periphery of the project increased extensively compared to the last fiscal year so the allocated money for the federations also proportionally increased as football will get the second highest of money near about Taka 5.31 crore (Taka 1.11 crore last year) and cricket will have maximum Taka 5.54 crore though the proposed project is still yet to be officially approved.
The NSC secretary said undoubtedly the talent hunt program from the grassroots level by the present government is really praiseworthy and the concerned federations should have coordination among them and finished the proposed program effectively.
The NSC secretary urged all the concerned federations to groom the players systematically. First to identify them from the grassroots level and empowered training programs by creating scope for them to participate in the different tournaments.
Once they are groomed up and later these players will help the Federations to form strong national team in different disciplines.
The NSC already set an age limit to search the talented youths across the country as players from under-16 boys’ and girls’ division are eligible under this project.
Ashok said the NSC arranged the last year’s final round program in Dhaka after sorting out boys and girls across the country in three phases and this year there would not be any exceptional.
It was learnt that this year the time limit for the implications of the program may be increased as last year it was four months .
