NRSC decides to demolish speed brakers on roads


Md Mahabub Alam :National Road Security Council (NRSC) in its exclusive meeting held on April 24, 2004 decided to demolish speed brakers on roads and highways across the country, but sadly no step has yet been taken to execute the decision though nine years have elapsed since then.The Roads and Highways Department (RHD) under the Ministry of Communication is responsible for installation of speed brakers on highways while municipality and city corporations in towns and cities.The RHD asked the engineers to remove those from roads and highways in the interest of the smooth movement of vehicles one and a half years ago. But no progress is observed. In the meeting, it was also decided to spare some crucial points, approaching bridges, culverts, level crossings and girls’ schools.The officials in the meeting took the decision of using symbolic signs and ramble strips to limit the speed of vehicles. According to the meeting, it is the responsibility of the Bangladesh Roads and Highways Authority to issue fitness certificates of transports and to supply stickers. The decision of clearing roads from nosimons and karimons has not yet been executed. Haats and bazaars will not exist on the both sides of roads.
