Commentary: Now we have politics of Unity Front with government

Editorial Desk :
It is only understandable in Bangladesh that the anti-people politics practised by both the government and the opposition is not considered unprincipled.
The government had no difficulty in robbing the election and claiming it to be the people’s government. On the other hand the opposition Unity Front refused to give legitimacy to the parliament as the government chosen
by such parliament formed through a robbed election.
The police power was openly used for robbing of the people’s election. The United States, the UK and European Union have been disputing the election results. But Unity Front opposition refrained from showing public protest other than making mildly bold speeches.
Unless they see nothing wrong in contradicting their own public challenge to the election, the leaders of the unity front in no way can regard the present government as legitimate for inviting it, particularly, by Dr Kamal Hossain the leader of Unity Front or the major opposition party BNP to join their respective Iftar parties. But it happened that way however awkward it appeared to others.
The government party happily sent a representative to the Iftar party held by Gano Forum chief Dr Kamal Hossain. BNP was not so lucky. Their invitation was flatly turned down.
So the people are victims of denial of their voting right to choose their government on one hand and on the other betrayal by the major opposition leaders for deserting them.
What these leaders have shown is that they have now a new Unity Front with the government surely, the idea behind is to be in good terms with the government forgetting the humiliation of denying the whole nation including the so called leaders the right to vote. They also ignored the inhuman suffering of the people and the political workers in the hands of police for supporting the opposition for their election vows.
We can find logic in the submission that those who were elected through genuine votes, though as a concession from the government, should have a reason for joining the parliament. Initially the opposition parties were vehemently opposed to such a joining move. The opposition parties proved directionless and leaderless. Because, the opposition leaders had accepted them in the party.
Now the opposition leaders seem to be quietly seeking unity politics with the government notwithstanding their insistence on not to have legitimacy of the government.
Before the election there was unity politics among the opposition parties against election robbery. So the Unity Front was organised to include 24 political parties under the leadership of Dr Kamal Hossain. The largest opposition party BNP was seen as the main force of unity alliance.
Both Dr Kamal Hossain and BNP leadership had no embarrassment to invite the government leaders to join their respective Iftar parties. The government sent a representative to take part in Dr Kamal’s Iftar party. But BNP was not lucky though special delegation was sent with the invitation card.
Being a family party it is to be accepted that BNP is ready to go any length to obtain release of its leader Begum Khaleda Zia. One feels sorry for BNP that it has no political sense to understand that no amount of appeasement will bring any relief to her. It is sad but hard truth.
No appeasement will work to obtain her freedom. The government is simply not interested in getting cooperation from BNP. The party has proved helpless and not useful to the government. BNP politics is more helpful as ineffective opposition.
BNP politics is not national but it central leaders have to exclusively depend on Tarique Rahman, who is in-charge of BNP in absence of Begum Khaleda Zia. Senior leaders of BNP were not trusted to make it a political party.
Thus the major Unity Front leaders have proved that their own political calculus is such as not be ready to suffer inconvenience for not being friendly with the government.
The people have been double-crossed both ways and the leaders have ceased to be leaders as the election politics has been buried deep. Now people are left to protect themselves and assert their rights. The people are cleared of any delusion.
