Now Transparency International expressed concern over partisan relief committees

Now we needed Transparency International Bangladesh to express concerns over the ruling Awami League’s announcement that partisan “relief committees” would be formed to help officials distribute relief goods among the poor. Although all kinds of participation irrespective of political affiliations is necessary to mitigate the crisis, there are reasons to doubt whether the “relief committees” would play a positive role, said a statement issued by the graft watchdog.
The most frustrating and saddest thing is we have no administration responsible or accountable for facing any national crisis or for serving the public interest. No country can be helped where there is no administration. The nation is kept under control by abusing police power and fear of insecurity. So the government has no management or real control in a situation of public need.
The people also do not expect that administration can be of much help. But they want to be saved from mismanagement of the administration. They want involvement of efficient non political trustworthy persons in the management of relief materials and in organising the health care system. The government is not ready to listen to anybody outside of their political circle which has been proven to be incompetent and corrupt. The people are struggling with life and death issues and their anger and frustration is boiling. The government is so blind and so influenced by the lies of sycophants that no good advice is good for the government. They are going their own incompetent ways under the guidance of power hungry bureaucrats. The Leadership void is our political coronavirus.