Now police speak in pol language: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
Venting his anger over denial of permission for their rally, BNP spokesman Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday bemoaned that police officials now speak in political language.
“Now there’s no democracy in the country… democracy is now under police boots… police officials now speak in political language. They’ve become so powerful now they don’t allow people to exercise their constitutional right to hold a rally,” he said.
Fakhrul, the BNP acting secretary general, came up with the remarks while addressing a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan central office.
The new conference was held protesting the denial of permission by the police administration for its rally at Suhrawardy Udyan.
Fakhrul alleged the government has established a police state by using law enforcers for its political
interest. “Police now don’t allow opposition leaders and activists to take to the streets. They even arrest them when they go to hold any meeting in any house.”
Accusing the police of adopting a dual policy, he said they allow the ruling Awami League holding their programmes regularly in the city while block opposition’s even when the go for holding a peaceful human chain programme.
Referring to the remarks of National Human Rights Commission chairman Mizanur Rahman that police from a particular district are constantly flouting laws caring little about their chain of command, the BNP leader said it demonstrates who are now holding power.
Fakhrul said, the current illegal government is now running the country in a fascist style depending on the police as it has got isolated from people and become politically bankrupt. He urged the country’s people to get united to get rid of the situation.
About the significance of November 7, Fakhrul said the country had come to light from darkness on that day through the civil-military uprising. “There had been a rebirth of democracy on November 7.”
He claimed those do not observe the day put obstacles to its observance, and they are against democracy. “They also don’t believe in Bangladesh’s independence and sovereignty. Denying November 7 means denying Bangladesh.”
BNP and its alliance partners celebrate November 7 as the National Revolution and Solidarity Day as its founder Ziaur Rahman was freed from captivity on that day in 1975 through an uprising by army solders.
The ruling Awami League and its front organisations consider it the ‘Freedom Fighter solders’ Killing Day’.
Fakhrul came down heavily on Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu for calling former president Ziaur Rahaman ‘the fourth Mir Jafar’. “We express hour hatred for his comment and strongly condemn it.”
He alleged that Inu and his party have joined hands with Awami betraying the bloods of 30,000 JSD leaders and activists killed during Awami League regime in between 1972 to 75. “Their names will be written in history with hatred.”
The BNP spokesman also slammed the ruling party leaders who have called Zia an ISI agent. “Those call him ISI agent had either surrendered to Pakistani forces or escaped to India. But, Ziaur Rahman proclaiming the independence had fought on the frontline staying in the country.”