Now Mashrafee finds doctor’s absent in Narail Hospital

Staff Reporter :
Mashrafe-Bin-Mortaza, MP, visited the Narail Adhunik Sadar Hospital and found many irregularities, including doctors’ unathorised absence.
Mashrafe called for the doctor and wanted his help. But the doctor refused to give him any treatment saying that he was now staying at home.
At this, Mashrafe exposed his identity and wanted to know why he was outside the hospital.The doctor failed to answer properly. “It is your duty to provide medical treatment to the patients. Who will discharge your duties if you are outside the hospital for long time?” Mashrafe questioned.
The role of Mashrafe drew huge praises on social media especially on facebook. His video went viral on Friday. A good number of people thanked him for it.
Himel Himu, a facebook user, wrote on his page that the corruption will be eliminated if all the MPs play role to repel corruption.
In January, the Anti-Corruption Commission found evidence that 40 percent of the doctors were absent during their shift in the hospital.
According to the ACC, 11 percent of the doctors were absent from three hospitals in Dhaka, but 62 percent were absent from seven
hospitals outside it. The people in the rural areas are yet to get their desire medical services owing to continuous absence of the appointed doctors. The doctors are continuing such unfair practice despite repeated warnings form the Health Ministry.
In October of 2018, Irked by the continuous absence of doctors at upazila-level hospitals, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said how rural people will get their basic medicare services if this culture continues.
“We have taken various steps to upgrade upazila hospitals. The 10 bed hospitals are new 50-bed ones. There should be at least 10 doctors in every hospital but in some places, there is only one doctor — at best four. Doctors aren’t staying there (upazilas),” she lamented.