Nov 13 be recognised as Poet’s Day


Jamalpur Correspondent :

 A day long gathering of poets and writers, literary gathering, commemoration of liberation war, discussion meeting and cultural program was held at Sadhupur Humayun Kabir Technical Institute ground in Melandah upazila under the Jamalpur district on November 13. Saikat Sahitya Sangsad and Gangchil International Sahitya Sangskrite Parishad organized the programme of which Media partners were The Daily Ittefaq, The New Nation, Channel I, and Ajker Jamalpur.
Founder Director of Saikat Sahitya Sangsad, Convener of Jamalpur Branch of Gangchil International Sahitya Sangskrite Parisod and Correspondent of Daily Ittefaq and The New Nation, Md. Shah Jamal presided over it.
Hoisting the national flag and playing the national anthem inaugurated the rally. Hundreds of poets, writers and researchers from different districts and divisions of the country participated in it. The meeting demanded the celebration of Poet’s Day on November 13.
Notable among the participants are: author-researcher and former Chief Election Commissioner Brigadier General (RT.) M. Sakhawat Hossain NDC, Chief Executive (Deputy Secretary) of Jamalpur porisod , Poet and Essayist Abdullah Al Mahamud, Founder of Gangchil Literary Organization and Gangchil Publications Poet-Writer Khan Akhter Dadu Bhai, Social Service and Probation Officer, Writer-Researcher Russia Akhter, Humayun Kabir Technical Humayun Kabir Sonahar, Founder-President of Nargis Ziaul Haque Primary School.
Poet Abul Kashem Yasbir, President of Pratibimba Sahitya Parishad, discusses topics related to the scope and impact of literature in human life, Social Harmony; The importance of culture was discussed by Melandah University Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib of Science and Technology, Head of the Department of Social Work, writer-researcher and columnist Dr. AHM Mahbubur Rahman was the speaker on the impact of regional languages in the cultural arena.
Abu Naser Siddique Tuhin, General Secretary of Safalya Sahitya Sanskriti Paribar Bangladesh, Regional Rhythmist, Poet-Lyricist, Journalist-Researcher, discusses the future of Bangladesh in Science-Technology, Research-Chairman of Patuakhali University of Science and Technology (Fisheries Technology department) International Researcher- Author Dr. SajedulHaque, was the speaker on the impact of art on human life-Mymensingh Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin Lecturer in the Department of Art History at the Institute of Fine Arts, Mosharraf Hossain discusses the topic of patriotism as part of faith: the current context-National Curriculum Textbook, Member of the Board of Bangladesh (NCTB), Dr. Abdul Alim Talukder, Bangladesh Perspective on Science Movement Discussed-Internationally Recognized Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib University of Science and Technology Assistant Professor Writer Dr. Mahmudul Hasan, Nazrul of Sampriti discussed – President of Kabi Sangha Bangladesh, Poet-journalist Talat Mahmud discusses the liberation war based on freedom fighter Abul Hossain.
