Nothing to worry about ‘Super Malaria’: IEDCR


Country’s disease monitoring wing Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) on Monday rebuffed the hype about ‘Super Malaria’, saying there is nothing to worry about the bug right now.
“We have malaria cases in certain regions in our country, but there is nothing to worry about ‘Super Malaria’ here,” Dr ASM Alamgir, senior scientific officer of IEDCR, told media.
“The disease was common on the Mekong sub region of South East Asia, but now the virus of the disease became resistant to traditional drugs. As a result, it is spreading rapidly in that region,” he added.
“The first treatment for malaria is ‘artemisinin’ in combination with ‘piperaquine’ but as ‘artemisinin’ has become less effective, the malaria virus has now evolved to resist piperaquine too” said an international journal.
The disease is spreading swiftly along South-East Asia region and experts feared that it can reach further up to Africa, said different international media.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), Malaria is a public health problem in Bangladesh, which is high endemic in 13 border districts facing international boundaries with the eastern states of India (Assam, Tripura and Meghalaya) and part of Myanmar.
