Not facebook but mismanagement is the problem

USING fake facebook ID, hacking someone’s IDs and such other mischief making in social media are poising big threat to national security as people from various walks of life are facing embarrassing exposures endangering their life. The cyber crime is only growing adding to social tension and bigger crisis. Even the government is facing serious setback in many cases as it appears.

The vulnerability is visible at all levels. News report on Tuesday said that the cyber regulatory body Bangladesh Tele-Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has so far failed to check this unlawful practices. We know that the BTRC has also sought cooperation of the facebook authorities at its headquarters to impose selective control on such misuse but any outcome is not known to us. Our government has to learn how to live with modern media. Facebook is also an important social media for social good.

Failure of the government is to allow free criticism of the government activities and the fear of police power are the reason for the popularity of facebook posts. Those who think running a government is the responsibility of government officials, the political leaders need not think politically, they should fully show the capacity to run the government. Hacking is so easy to some people that they found no problem to steal money from Bangladesh Bank’s Federal Reserve’s account in New York. But the government is not bothered. It is the human incompetence that should be blamed. Facebook is a worldwide phenomenon.


The truth is that the government lacks management in every field. We have to accept that a closed door government is not possible in modern day. The people in the government have to be competent for solving the new problems of new technology.

It is undeniable that BTRC will have little control over facebook media. The concerned authorities have to be efficient. Most of all, free flow of information will reduce the mischief making power of facebook users.
