Razakars' list: Not a penny spent, says Minister

Staff Reporter :
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque on Thursday dispelled the news that his Ministry had allocated Tk 60 crore for preparing the list of Razakars’.
“It’s nothing but ‘just a rumour’…We did not spend a single penny to prepare the list,” he said, adding that legal action will be taken against those involved in spreading this propaganda,” he told reporters at his office in the morning.
The Minister also urged all not to pay heed to any rumour in this regard.
Later, a press release issued by Ministry of Liberation War Affairs quoted the Minister as saying, “No money was allocated nor allocation was sought for preparing the list of Razakars. Therefore, there is no question of spending for it.”
Referring to a news item titled ’60 crore spent in making Razakar’s list’ published on different media outlets recently, Mozammel Haque requested all not to publish and circulate such “false” news.
Legal measure will be taken against the authorities who published and circulated the news with this “information,” if they do not withdraw the report and seek unconditional apology by December 25, 2019, the Minister said.
The Liberation War Affairs published the list of 10,789 Razakars who collaborated with the Pakistani occupation forces during the War of Liberation in 1971.
The list published on December 16 included at least 17 Freedom Fighters and 92 people from minority communities, drawing huge criticism.
Later on December 17, Mozammel Haque apologised for his Ministry’s mistake in publishing the wrong list without proper investigation.
On December 18, his Ministry suspended the Razakars’ list.