Norway’s Olympians shell-shocked as they’re sent 1,500 eggs

AFP, Pyeongchang :
You had one job! Norwegian chefs hoping to buy 1,500 eggs to feed hungry Olympic athletes have had their dinner plans scrambled after a mix-up with a grocery order.
Norway’s army of nutritional experts were left shell-shocked in Pyeongchang when a lorry delivered 15,000 eggs, apparently because an online purchase got lost in translation.
“We received a truck-load of eggs,” chef Stale Johansen told Norwegian news agency NTB after being left with egg on his face.
“We were quite surprised when they came carrying the eggs — there was no end to it, incredible!”
While vastly experienced in keeping their athletes in peak conditions, Norway’s chefs appear to have cracked under the early pressure, but at least their athletes will get plenty of protein.