Norway ranks as world’s best place to be a mother


AFP, United Nations :
Norway ranks as the world’s best place to be a mother, well ahead of the United States which dropped to the 33rd spot in the annual scorecard released by Save the Children on Monday.
Somalia is the worst place, just below the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic.
Save the Children released its 16th annual Mothers’ Index, which rates 179 countries based on five indicators related to maternal health, education, income levels and the status of women.
This year, the United States dropped from number 31 on the list to 33, behind Japan, Poland and Croatia.
American women have a one in 1,800 risk of maternal death, the worst level of risk of any developed country in the world, according to the report. An American woman is more than 10 times as likely to die in childbirth than a Polish woman.
