North Korea : A new economic corridor


M A Hossain :
North Korean leader Marshal Kim Jong Un has started important step dismantling some facilities at its main satellite launching station which is believed to be the testing ground for intercontinental ballistic missiles. Recent satellite images has confirmed to the expertise that some signs of dismantling to the launching site have appeared. This is going to be a landmark step forward in fulfilling a promise after the historic summit between US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. As per US based website 38 North’s statement the satellite imagery analysis indicated the North had started dismantling a process building and a rocket-engine test stand which had been used for testing liquid fuel engines at its Sohea Satellite Launching Station. International community had seen this launching station of Pyongyang’s space program a fig leaf for missile tests. However, Pyongyang sincerely begins the process of denuclearization. And it can not be implemented overnight. It would take time as the entire process should be done scientifically.
Pretty soon, Marshal Kim Jong Un should declare a comprehensive economic plan paving ways to the foreign nations in investing in industrial sectors in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK). Initially Pyongyang would put special emphasis on investments in agro-industrial sectors.
Few of European nations though are yet to make any comment on the Trump-Kim historic summit and the agreement, the withdrawal of sanctions on the DPRK would take some times as they first need to make sure Pyongyang sincerely begins the denulearization process.
Republic of Korea(ROK) can establish common special economic zone both in DPRK and ROK under mutually agreeable proportion. In this regard, ROK can utilize the huge skilled and semi-skilled man power of DPRK. ROK also can invest common airline. shipping agency etc.
This is the most appropriate time for the Bangladeshi textiles and ready made garment industries to immediately focus on establishing both knit and oven garment factories – conventional and high-end by taking the advantage of comparatively cheaper but highly disciplined and hard working North Korean workers. Bangladesh also can establish leather processing factories, electronic industries(under Chinese joint venture) in DPRK.
North Korea’s extreme cold weather is not favorable to palm oil.
Under such circumstance, Bangladeshi entrepreneurs can consider establishing soya bean oil and cotton seed oil refineries in that country.
United States, China and African nations can greatly contribute in exploring extremely potential mineral resources and mining industries in DPRK.
Following President Donald Trump’s grand success in Singapore and after signing an agreement with Marshal Kim Jong Un, several companies from Thailand, Indonesia, UAE, Israel, Poland and Philippines are considering establishing several business enterprises in the DPRK especially in the tourism and entertainment sector. It is anticipated that from mid 2019, at least 7-8 million tourists from around the world would visit Pyongyang and several tourist attraction sites.
There actually no reason to have any doubt on the sincerity of Kim Jong Un in denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. Withdrawal of the American troops from South Korea may also take some time. So the tactics of putting further pressure on Pyongyang by continuing the undue economic and punitive sanctions would be counter productive.

(The author is a political and defense analyst in Bangladesh).
