Lakho Konthe events: Noor made money by awarding contracts?

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Minister Asaduzzaman Noor has come under fire for awarding lucrative contracts to three companies he co-owns and has been managing for years in a clear case of serious conflict of interest.
The Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Armed Forces Division jointly organised the Independence Day event, ‘Lakho Konthe Sonar Bangla’, at the National Parade Square, where more than 250,000 Bangladeshis sang the national anthem in a bid to create a world record.
The show was ‘managed’ by a firm named ‘Asiatic Events’. ‘Asiatic Marketing and Communications Ltd’ was hired to take care of the creative part while public relations job went to an agency named ‘Forethought PR’.
Asaduzzaman Noor has ownership in all three companies and sits on the Boards of all three. The parent company is Asiatic 360, of which he is a shareholding director.