None will be allowed to taint Islam’s image: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday said that her government would not allow the vested quarters to destroy the image of Islam by creating militancy and terrorism in the name of religion.
“We won’t allow the vested quarters to pollute this holy religion,” she said while inaugurating the Hajj Programme-2014 at the Hajj Camp in city’s Ashkona.
Religious Affairs Minister Principal Matiur Rahman presided over the programme which was arranged by his ministry at the Hajj Camp.
Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon, local MP Advocate Sahara Khatun and Saudi Ambassador in Dhaka Dr Abdullah bin Nasser Al Bussairy also spoke on the occasion.
Sheikh Hasina said Islam is the religion of peace; Islam is the religion of holiness. “But, it is very much regretful that the vested quarters create militancy and terrorism by using the name of this sacred religion to kill and engage in various kinds of destruction that ultimately pollute our holy religion.”
Mentioning that the government formed committees up to union level to curb militancy, she said: “We included Alem-Ulema in these
committees. Because, we don’t want the vested quarters to pollute the holy religion…”
The Prime Minister said that Islam is the religion of peace, progress and for improving the lifestyle of human beings. “Our effort is to establish this religion in the world as the religion of peace.”
She said that the government would not allow anyone to tarnish the image of the holy religion. “We never want that the vested quarter would destroy the image of this religion by resorting to militancy and terrorism.”
Hasina described various steps taken soon after independence by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the advancement of Islam in the country.