None passes from 53 schools


Staff Reporter :
Fifty-three educational institutions have registered 100 percent failure rate in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations 2016.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid has said measures would be taken against the institutions rated zero pass mark.
“We will certainly take action after analysing why all of the examinees have failed,” he said on Wednesday while announcing highlights of the results in a media briefing.
The institutions which registered 100 percent failure rate this year include 37 from Madrasa Board, three each from Dhaka, Comilla and Jessore boards, two each from Rajshahi, Barisal and Dinajpur boards and one from Sylhet Board.
There is no such institution under Chittagong and Technical Education boards.
In the last year’s exams, 47 institutions recorded 100 percent failure rate.
