None passes CUET internal exam!


Campus Report :
Nobody passed in an exam of the first year examination of ‘Differential Equation and Vector Geometry’ under the Civil Engineering department of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET).
This was disclosed with an unsigned notice published on the notice board of the Department of Civil Engineering. Students of the Dept earlier demanded to change the examination date from 4 March to 6 March on the occasion of Saraswati Puja. But the authority refused their application. Consequently the students boycotted the exam. The authority then took one student’s exam at CUET medical center due to illness.
According to the university ordinance, there is no chance to cancel or re-take the examination if a single student attended the examination.
As a result all students will be decided as failed. Meanwhile, the students complained one student has been forced to write his name in examination.
