Non-MPO teachers, employees continue sit-in progs


Teachers and employees of non-MPO educational institutions continued their sit-in programme in front of the Jatiya Press Club for the 11 consecutive days on Wednesday demanding bringing them under the monthly pay order (MPO) scheme.
Under the banner of ‘Non-MPO Educational Institution Teachers’ and Employees’ Federation’, the teachers and employees began their demonstrations on June 10 to press home their demand. Although they initially observed the sit-in for half day every day, the teachers and employees went on a non-stop on Monday last.
Dr Binoy Bhushan Roy, general secretary of the platform, told UNB that the teachers will not take any classes if their demand is not met by June 22.
“We’ll submit a memorandum containing out demand to the Prime Minister, Speaker and Deputy Speaker on Thursday and to the President on June 22,” he said.
On June 23, they will observe a token hunger strike, he said, adding that the teachers will go on a hunger strike unto death from June 25 if the demand is not met by June 24.
On June 16, the teachers and employees offered their Eid-ul-Fitr prayers in front of the press club.
On December 31, 2017, teachers and employees of non-MPO educational institutions started observing a hunger strike unto death to press for their demand.
