Non-food inflation rise in 2nd quarter: Minister

UNB, Dhaka :
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal on Monday admitted that non-food inflation in the second quarter of the current fiscal increased, but the food inflation decreased.
He made the statement while placing the report on budget implementation progress of the second quarter, the trend of income and expenditure, and macroeconomic analysis.
Data showed that non-food inflation in October was 5.9 percent, 5.49 percent in November and 5.45 percent in December. The 12 months average after the quarter is 4.51 percent.
During the same period in the last fiscal, the rates were 3.61 percent, 4.10 percent and 3.85 percent respectively. The 12 months average after the quarter was 3.5 percent.
Food inflation in the October-December period was 5.08, 5.295 and 5.28 percent while it was 7.62, 7.09 and 7.13 percent in the same period of the last fiscal. The 12 months average after the quarter of the current fiscal is 6.21 percent while it was 7.17 percent in the previous fiscal.
The overall inflation in the stipulated three months of the current fiscal was 5.4, 5.37
and 5.35 percent which was 6.04, 5.91 and 5.83 percent in the previous fiscal. The 12 months average after the quarter of the 2018-19 fiscal is 5.54 percent. It was 5.7 during the last fiscal.
Minister Kamal said that remittance inflow increased by 8.06 percent in the second quarter of the current fiscal compared to the previous year.
Highlighting some key macroeconomic indicators during the second quarter (October-December), he said revenue collection under the NBR rose by 9.4 percent.
The overall public expenditure increased by 18.41 percent while the ADP implementation rate was 27.45 percent, which was 27.02 percent in the last fiscal.
Export earnings rose to 14.42 percent, which was 7.15 percent in the previous year.