BCC election: Nomination of two JaPa Mayor , two BNP ward councillor candidates cancelled


Barishal Correspondent :
Nomination papers of two mayor and two councilor candidates have been rejected by election commission officials after ending two-day scrutiny on Sunday and Monday.
Now nomination papers of six out of eight mayor candidates and 112 out of 114 general councilor candidates and 38 councilor candidates for female reserved seats, declared as valid.
Mujibur Rahman, returning officer of Barisal City Corporation election, acknowledging the facts said nomination papers of mayor candidates and councilor candidates of general ward 1-15 and reserved for female wards 1-5 done on Sunday.
The nomination papers of rest general ward 16-30 and reserved for female wards 6-10 candidates done on Monday, he added.
He said that the nomination paper of Iqbal Hossain Tapos, Jatiya Party (Ershad) candidate, has rejected after EC received a letter from Bangladesh Bank marking Iqbal Hossain as a bank loan defaulter.
On other hand, Bashir Ahamed Junu, independent (rebel JaPa Ershad) candidate was rejected after finding fake voters in his supporters list, as an independent candidate needs at least one percent support of the voters of concerned constituency.
However, both of the rejected mayor candidates confirmed that they will file appeal to EC against cancellation of their nomination papers.
On other hand, nomination paper of BNP supported Jamal Hossain Noman, a general councilor candidate of ward 9 was rejected by EC due to faults in filling the paper on Sunday, the returning officer said.
He said, nomination paper of BNP backed Sumon Haldar Ashish councilor candidate for general wards no. 19 also cancelled for wrong information on Monday.
However, all nomination papers of 38 female councilor candidates for 10 restricted female wards have declared as valid .
According to the announced schedule of BCC election scrutiny of submitted nomination papers done on 1st and 2nd July, appeal against decision of EC would be done on 3rd to 5th and verdict against appeal 6th to 8th July, withdrawal of nomination paper on 9th July and distribution of symbols on 10th July and voting would be held on July 30.
