No uranium found in haor water


 UNB, Sunamganj :
The three-member expert team of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, in its primary test, has detected no traces of uranium in the water of different haors in the district.
“In the initial test, we found no existence of uranium toxins in the water. However, the confirmed result can be known after getting the laboratory test result,” said Dilip Kumar Shah, chief of the expert team.
The expert team reached the districton Saturday to collect the water sample to ascertain whether there are any radioactive materials in the water. The move was taken following suspicion that uranium-mixed water is coming down to the haors from Khasi Hills, causing the deaths of different aquatic species like fish and frogs.
According to Fisheries Department, over 50 metric tonnes of fish have died after hilly water and excessive rains submerged a vast tract of the back swamp in Sunamganj and a few other northeastern haor zones.
Several teams of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh, Bangladesh Fisheries and River Research Institute, Chandpur have been working to determine the reason behind the deaths of the aquatic resources.
