No unity with those involved in terrorism, militancy: PM


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday ruled out the possibility of forging any national unity to curb terrorism and militancy with those involved in terrorism, militancy and war crimes.”A national consensus among the mass people has developed after the Gulshan and Sholakia terror attacks,” she said. The Prime Minister was speaking at a press briefing arranged at her official residence Ganobhaban to brief the media about the outcome of her just-concluded Mongolia tour to attend the 11th ASEM Summit there.As a journalist drew her attention to the plea for building national consensus among all political parties, Sheikh Hasina said the national consensus necessary to eradicate terrorism has already been built. “Don’t you think a national consensus has already been created against terrorism and militancy? And this consensus will remain,” she said. The Prime Minister said the matter is totally different when it comes to those who are involved in terrorism and militancy, and who killed people through arson attacks and engaged in war crimes.”Their statements are different, their views are different…. it cannot be that they’ll bite being a snake and cure being a snake-charmer,” Hasina said without mentioning the names of any individual or political party. After the two terror attacks, BNP leaders, including its chairperson Khaleda Zia, repeatedly called for forging a national unity to face the challenges of terrorism and militancy in the country.
