No unilateral delimitation draft law finalisation: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Thursday termed an ‘evil indication’ the Election Commission’s (EC’s) move to unilaterally finalise the draft of delimitation of constituencies law.
“Different media reports say that the EC is going to finalise the draft of delimitation of constituency law even before discussions with political parties. It’s the expectation of all that the Chief Election Commissioner will reach a decision on it after talks with all the political parties,” said BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
Speaking at a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan central office, he further said, “If he
 (CEC) presents a draft of the law without discussions with all parties, we’ll understand there’s an evil intention behind it.”
The BNP leader said people are in doubt about the EC’s move to finalise the draft law just after discussions with some political parties. “People have started believing that the CEC has taken over the charge of the Commission to make happy his master (govt).
He said their party thinks CEC KM Nurul Huda has been working as per the government’s desire as he has no will to hold a fair and acceptable election.
Voicing concern over the growing incident of enforced disappearance, Rizvi alleged that businessman and industrialists apart from BNP leaders and activists are being made disappeared to realise money from them ahead of eid.