No tax rise but coverage to increase, says Ctg Mayor


Chattogram Bureau :
City Mayor Rezaul Karim Chowdhury said no tax will be increased on the city dwellers, only the tax coverage will be increased. He urged the people of the city not to be confused about the lifting of the moratorium on house tax revaluation and said that if there was any inconsistency in the latest house tax revaluation, they would be taxed at a tolerable level on appeal.
He made the remarks while addressing a meeting to review the decisions of the standing committees formed by CCC in the conference room of the temporary Nagar Bhaban at Tiger Pass on Tuesday.
The mayor further said that tax collection initiatives will be taken from the sectors which are under tax collection under the regulations of the city corporation. An exchange meeting will be held with business leaders in the coming Ramadan to prevent price rise. In addition, there is a need to increase supervision and awareness about the hygiene of the markets. He directed to take steps to eradicate illegal markets and stop setting up of markets on roads and sidewalks. The use of polythene has already been banned in three markets of the city. He said steps would be taken to stop the use of polythene in the remaining markets of the city.
