No surrender to militancy, reaffirms PM


UNB, Dhaka :Describing the recent activities of the BNP-Jamaat alliance as militancy, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday categorically said her government will in no way give in to this menace.”We’ll never surrender to militancy,” she said addressing the inaugural ceremony of the International Rotary Peace Conference 2015 at city’s Radisson Hotel.The Prime Minister also said the whole nation would resist the terrorist activities of these ferocious hyenas. “We’ll restore peace in the country defeating these bad elements and that’s our promise …Inshallah we’ll be successful,” she reiterated.Referring to the Bangalee nation’s historical uncompromising nature, the Prime Minister said history says that Bangalees never bow down to troublemakers.”Bangalees are always invincible, we never bow down to injustice and we’ll never bow down. This time we won’t bow down our head to this injustice,” she said.In this connection, the Prime Minister said the Bangalees protected the dignity of their mother tongue through shedding blood in 1952, ousted the autocrat regime in 1969, and earned the country’s independence in 1971 sacrificing 3 million lives. She said, the people of the country never saw killing people by hurling petrol bombs in the name of politics.Hasina mentioned that the country is now passing through an unbearable situation where more than 50 people have been killed and over a hundred injured in petrol bombs hurled by anarchists.The air of the Burn Units of the hospitals turned heavy with the foul smell of the burnt people, she said. “You know who are committing such inhumane acts…the country’s people know it very well.”She compared these killings with what the Pakistani occupational forces did back in 1971. “Again it seems that they have unleashed killings like in 1971,” she added.”When the country’s economy was marching ahead recouping the losses of destructive acts by the BNP-Jamaat nexus, they are now again a waging war against people and are again engaged in killing spree,” she said.They turned crazy to protect war criminals, plunderer national wealth by grabbing power through widespread killings, she said.Recalling the destructive activities carried out by the BNP-Jamaat alliance before the January-5 election, Hasina said, they committed similar misdeeds at that time leaving over 100 people, including 20 members of police, BGB and army. “Even, mosques, temples and pagodas were vandalised and torched.”Besides, she said, hundreds of copies of the holy Quran were burned to ashes in front of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque while railway compartments and locomotives were destroyed or damaged by uprooting fishplates and tracks.Mentioning Bangladesh’s stance against terrorism, the Prime Minister said, her government is showing zero tolerance to all forms of terrorism and is committed not to sheltering anybody or any organisation to carry out subversive acts against any country using Bangladesh’s soil.The Prime Minister reiterated that the BNP’s election boycott was a political mistake and why the country’s people should pay the price for their political wrong decision. “They’re trying to create an horrible situation in the country by killing innocent people,” she said.
