No step yet to create election atmosphere: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Shamsuzzaman Dudu on Tuesday said there is no sign of taking any step to create a congenial atmosphere for holding the next national election as people across the country are still passing their days amid grave panic and worry due to the growing repressive acts.
“You (govt) are kidnapping people whenever you feel to do that and shifting blame on others. You’re also arresting BNP leaders
and activists and intellectuals as per your whim, triggering serious panic among people,” he said.
Speaking at a human chain programme, the BNP leader further said, “A terrifying situation has been prevailing across the country, not only in Dhaka. A credible election won’t be possible as long as the fear and panic prevail in public mind.”
Jatiya Gonotantrik Andolan, a pro-BNP platform, arranged the programme in front of the Jatiya Press Club, demanding the release of BNP chairperson’s adviser Zainul Abedin Farroque and other arrested leaders.
Dudu, a BNP vice chairman, urged the government to start withdrawing false cases filed against BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia and other leaders to ensure a proper election environment.
He also called upon the government to take steps for holding talks with political parties for reaching an understanding over holding the next polls under a neutral government. Or else, he warned, their party will have no other alternative to taking to the streets with tougher programmes to restore people’s voting rights.